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wall art


art prints

Gallery quality prints, posters and photographic prints in a range of sizes with a trimmed border for framing or putting on your wall as is. Available in both my Redbubble and Society6 shops.

framed prints

Multiple frame and mounting options including wood finishes in up to six sizes. Available in both my Redbubble and Society6 shops.


canvas & metal prints

High gloss or matte metal prints and hand-stretched canvas prints in up to four sizes. These are sturdy and perfect for places that see a bit more action. Available from both my Redbubble and Society6 shops.

art boards &

acrylic blocks

Watercolour textured 4ply art boards in three sizes and 1" (2.5 cm) thick solid free-standing acrylic blocks in two sizes, with diamond cut sides, available from my Redbubble shop.

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wall tapstries &


Yarns in varying patterns and textures make up the wall hangings from my Society6 shop which include a wooden dowel and cotton yarn for hanging. Wall tapestries available in three sizes from both my Redbubble and Society6 shops.

wood wall art

Wood Wall Art is a multi-piece wall design composed of nine Baltic birch squares - just piece them together to form the full design. Plus, you can adjust the spacing between the pieces for a personal touch. Available in three sizes from my Society6 shop.

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